Now More Than Ever Graduates Need Visual Recognition

Melissa W.
All graduates deserve recognition for what they’ve overcome, especially during pandemic times. 

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Tri-M is Music to Your Ears!

Melissa W.
The #1 most-played song at graduation ceremonies is Pomp & Circumstance and we can make a safe bet that members of music departments across the country can play it in their sleep! But, who recognizes such talent? Tri-M -- the only national honor society for student musicians!

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Science Wiz? Beta Beta Beta is for You!

Melissa W.
It’s no secret, science is at the forefront of society right now. While the world wrestles with the novel coronavirus, scientists are tirelessly working to understand the virus, test therapies, and develop a vaccine. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is being pushed in school districts to introduce children to the many interesting areas and potential careers in science ...  Beta Beta Beta is an organization that recognizes those students who excel in the field.

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Need Help with Math? Find a Member of Pi Mu Epsilon!

Melissa W.
We’re not sure about you, but we’re counting down the days to the end of 2020! We can hardly make heads or tails with what day, week, or month it is, and are trying to figure out how many days are left until the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. Do you know who would be able to help us out with this? Members of Pi Mu Epsilon -- The Mathematics Honor Society!

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Alpha Epsilon Rho - The National Electronic Media Association

Melissa W.1 comment
Founded in 1941 by a faculty member at Stephens College in Columbia, MO, Alpha Epsilon Rho, the National Electronic Media Association, was originally an honorary radio fraternity called Beta Epsilon Phi. The organization “enhances the development of college students preparing for careers in electronic media industries” which includes web/internet technologies, broadcasting, mass communication, radio, television, cable, and/or film.

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While In-Person Classes Pause in the Fall, Graduations March On (Virtually)

Melissa W.
Schools and universities across the country are grappling with the idea of opening up the doors to students come fall, but early reports indicate some problematic obstacles, causing many to postpone in-person classes and remain remote.

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Top 10 Graduation Songs of 2020

Melissa W.1 comment
Despite it being the end of July, graduation season is still going strong and will be straight through the rest of 2020 due to COVID19 derailing spring plans (is 2020 over yet?!). Traditions are pretty much out the window for the Class of 2020, but that doesn’t mean certain aspects of the ceremony need to change, like the music!

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