Rho Sigma Kappa: The Safety Sciences Honor Society
It’s no secret that we’re surrounded by buildings and enter them every day (well, we used to!) without even a thought, but, have you ever wondered who makes sure the structures are safe? Lucky for us, we have members of Rho Sigma Kappa working behind the scenes to ensure buildings are up to code before we walk through the door.
Rho Sigma Kappa is an honor society that recognizes exemplary students in safety and occupational sciences programs. Its goal is to:
- Recognize students and members of the Safety Sciences profession who distinguish themselves through academic achievement and exemplary character
- Foster scholarship and promote student leadership
- Contributes to the advancement of professionalism to safety
In order to qualify for membership, students must be nominated by a faculty member in their respective program and be of at least junior academic standing with 12 safety study credits completed. Students must also have an overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale with a 3.2 in all safety and health studies classes. Many campus chapters have stricter guidelines, but membership is equally exclusive, as only around 5-10% of students end up qualifying.
You’ll typically find Rho Sigma Kappa grads in careers in manufacturing, chemicals, energy, steel, and construction, though their education can take them into many fields. To our knowledge, there is no official honor cord color assigned to the organization, so we recommend our signature single bright gold to show distinction on graduation day!
Are you a Rho Sigma Kappa grad and work in the field? Let us know in the comments!
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