Phi Epsilon Kappa: The National Professional Fraternity for Fitness
Many of us are feeling a bit sluggish lately with new operational guidelines keeping us from attending organized gym classes and switching to home workout solutions/isolated fitness routines, but we’d certainly be running in circles if it weren’t for fitness professionals working extra hard by switching gears to keep us all feeling great! Phi Epsilon Kappa honors those students who dedicate their lives to helping others be their best selves.
Founded in 1913, Phi Epsilon Kappa is a national professional fraternity for students pursuing careers in physical education, sports medicine/management, health recreation, exercise science, and dance/human performance. Active members aim to foster scientific research in the aforementioned areas of education to better their communities.
According to their website, PEK’s objectives are “to be organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes as a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of those educational interest areas; foster scientific research; facilitate the exchange of information and experience gained in the various countries of the world including programs, methods, techniques, materials, training, and research; provide a medium through which the membership can contribute to the advancement of the profession; publish periodicals to be distributed to members and to the general public for the purpose of disseminating information about the Corporation, the membership, and the profession; to make awards for outstanding work; foster a spirit of loyalty and fraternity and bonds of fellowship and mutual assistance.”
Membership acceptance is left up to the individual chapters, but in general, students must show an interest in the purpose/objectives of the fraternity and dedicate time and energy to further benefit areas of physical education/exercise science/sports medicine. Some chapters require undergrads hold a minimum of an overall 3.2 GPA, have completed at least two semesters in kinesiology or similar, and have a strong record in community service.
There are currently 85 active chapters and members proudly wear their black and gold honor cords on graduation day.
Are you a member of Phi Epsilon Kappa? Let us know in the comments and mention your favorite remote fitness regimen (seriously … we need one)!
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