High School Graduation Rates Continue to Increase in New York State Despite Pandemic Hurdles

High School Graduation Rates Continue to Increase in New York State Despite Pandemic Hurdles

Melissa W.

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Pomp & Circumstance playing as we get closer and closer to graduation season – and for more high school students in New York state, graduation will become a reality. 

Despite the COVID hurdles being constantly thrown their way since 2020, New York has continued to see a rise in high school graduates. According to the NY State Education Department, new data released from their 2017 cohort (a study that follows students entering public 9th grade through 12th grade) shows a steady increase in graduates of 1.3% bringing the total up to 86.1%. The number of graduates is 9.4% higher than the cohort from a decade prior in 2008. Additionally, the dropout rate for the 2017 cohort dropped 1% overall. 

New York Education Commissioner Betty Rosa stated, “A high school diploma is more than a piece of paper. For many, a diploma is the key to unlocking opportunities that may seem out of reach. We can realize educational equity by enabling all students to earn this key to their future success. The Board and Department are reviewing graduation requirements to allow students multiple ways to demonstrate they have the knowledge and skills to graduate.” 

Students have been through so much over these last few years and we are so proud to be a part of their big celebrations. Congratulations to all of the upcoming high school graduates in New York! We cannot wait to see you shine!


Cover photo by Steven Abraham on Unsplash

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