Wondering How to Winterize Your Plants? Ask a Member of Pi Alpha Xi!
We last talked about the changing seasons and stormy weather celebrated by meteorology students of Chi Epsilon Pi, but if you’re wondering how to prepare your lawn and protect your plants for the upcoming dip in temps, you should ask a member of Pi Alpha Xi!
What was born over an after-dinner conversation among university representatives attending the International Flower Show in New York City in 1923, Pi Alpha Xi (PAX) was created to celebrate students excelling in the study of horticulture. What is horticulture? Merriam-Webster defines it as “the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.”
According to their website, PAX’s mission is “to promote high scholarship, fellowship, professional leadership and the enrichment of human life through plants.” The organization was originally just for floriculture and ornamental horticulture, but now accepts all types of plant art and cultivation.
In order to qualify for membership, students must attend a 4-year university with a horticultural discipline, demonstrate a strong interest in horticulture, and have a minimum overall GPA of a 3.0, though some chapters may have higher academic standards in place. PAX asks that applicants “also show promise for continued activity and commitment to the field of horticulture.” Once inducted, students enjoy a lifetime national membership which includes access to scholarships, floral competitions, and photography contests. Members also get a chance to attend the annual American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) conference.
Pi Alpha Xi has grown to 40 chapters with over 14,000 members nationwide. You’ll recognize members of PAX on graduation day by their light blue and kelly green honor cords.
Are you a plant enthusiast or a member of Pi Alpha Xi? Let us know in the comments!
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