Top Colleges for Pursuing Ballet

Melissa Woelflein

If you're a dancer or have a child who dreams of pursuing it as a professional career, you'll need to get a strong foundation in ballet. What is the best way to do that? Attend one of the top colleges for ballet in the country!

These colleges offer world-class training from experienced teachers, as well as opportunities to perform with world-renowned companies. They also provide a supportive environment where you can develop your skills and artistry.

If you're serious about a career in ballet, here are a few of the top colleges to consider:

If you're not sure where to start your search for the perfect college for ballet, here are a few resources to help you get started:

Once you've found a few schools that interest you, be sure to visit their websites and read their admissions requirements. You'll also want to schedule a visit to each school so you can get a feel for the campus and the program. With roughly 10% of dancers becoming professionals, you want to make the right choice!

Choosing the right college for ballet is an important decision. But with careful research, you can find a school that will give you the education and training you need to pursue your dream career.

Are you a professional dancer? Which prestigious school did you attend? Let us know in the comments!


Photo by Nihal Demirci Erenay on Unsplash

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