Prep Tips for Freshman Dorm Move-In Day

Prep Tips for Freshman Dorm Move-In Day

Melissa W.

Preparing to move into your first college dorm for your freshman year can be both exciting and daunting! There are so many things to consider and this is likely your first time that you’ll be living on your own. As we approach college move-in season for our new Senior Class grads, we put together a few tips to consider that may be helpful in setting you up for success in the coming weeks.

  1. Check with your college about what is provided. Every college is different, so it's important to check with yours to see what furniture, bedding, and other supplies are provided in your dorm room. This will help you determine what you need to bring from home.
  2. Make a list. Once you know what you need to bring, make a list and check it twice … maybe three times! This will help you avoid forgetting anything important on move-in day.
  3. Coordinate with your roommate. If you have a roommate, it's important to coordinate with them on how you're going to share the space. Talk about what you each want to bring and where you're going to put it.
  4. Pack smart. When packing, think about how you're going to get your belongings to your dorm room. If you're driving, you'll need to pack light. If you're flying, you'll need to be even more thoughtful about how much you pack. Maybe most of your items will be purchased after you land in your new college town.
  5. Consider the climate. If you're going to school in a cold climate, you'll need to pack warm clothes and blankets. If you're going to school in a warm climate, you'll need to pack lighter clothes and accessories.
  6. Bring items that remind you of home. It's important to bring items that will make your dorm room feel like home. This could include photos of your family and friends, a favorite blanket, or a piece of furniture that you've had since you were a kid.
  7. Don't forget school supplies. In addition to your personal belongings, you'll also need to bring school supplies to your dorm room. This includes things like notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, and a calculator. You’ll likely get individualized lists from your professors, but it never hurts to get the essentials ahead of time.
  8. Storage plan. Once you've moved in, you'll need to figure out a storage plan for all of your belongings. This could include under-bed storage, closet organizers, or even a mini fridge.
  9. Be respectful of your roommate. Remember that you're sharing a small space with someone else (possibly even more than one person!), so it's important to be respectful of their belongings and space. This means keeping things clean, quiet, and respectful of each other's privacy.
  10. Have fun! Moving into a college dorm is a big step, but it can also be a lot of fun. Enjoy the process of decorating your room and getting to know your roommate. This is the start of a new chapter in your life, so make the most of it!

Here are some additional tips:

  • Start packing early. This will give you plenty of time to make sure you have everything you need.
  • Don't forget the essentials. This includes things like toiletries, school supplies, and a first-aid kit.
  • Be prepared to share space. You'll be sharing a small room with your roommate, so it's important to be respectful of each other's belongings.
  • Don’t stress! If you happen to forget something, it’s OK! Even the most remote college towns are well-equipped for ensuring their students have access to most creature comforts. When all else fails, there’s online shopping 🙂

Readers: Do you have any tips for the incoming freshman class while they prepare for their next step? What were your go-to supplies when living in a dorm? Let us know below!


Cover photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

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