Most Popular Undergrad Programs of 2022
Are you currently in high school and starting to think about college and what you’d like to major in for your undergrad? The possibilities are endless, especially in 2022 where new job titles are constantly being created in areas you’d never imagine (who would have thought “Virtual Fitness Instructor/Personality” would be a thing 10 years ago?!). Over the next few weeks, we are going to take a look at the most popular undergrad majors for 2022 and where you can find great programs!
Software Engineering (BS)
In a world that revolves around technology, it’s no surprise that Software Engineering/Computer Science is one of the most sought-after undergrad majors/careers in 2022. There’s no escaping technology – if you can think of a job, chances are that technology is at least one component of it. With technology comes a need for software engineers: experts in their field when it comes to building computer systems and applications. Software engineers will take a client’s need and create custom programs to drive operational success. You’ll find software engineers working at large corporations and small start-ups – many may even go forth solo and do contracted work independently. From creating nurse/healthcare robots to implementing restaurant ordering applications, software engineers are versatile and needed! They are a huge reason as to why we can hop on our phones and order just about anything to be delivered to our doorsteps in a matter of hours.
Where to study
With the demand of software engineers comes a lot of options for schools! If you’re looking to stay in or move to a general area after high school, chances are you’ll find a college with a great computer science program. If you’re looking for the crème de la crème, these schools are considered some of the best for computer science/software engineering:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Georgia Institute of Technology
We cannot even begin to imagine what life would be like without software engineers (cue the dreadful dial-up modem sounds in the early AOL days) and can understand why there is such a demand for computer science programs! Are you seeking or currently enrolled in a computer science/software engineering program? Let us know in the comments!
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