Honor/Spirit Cords for Causes Spotlight: National Bullying Prevention Month
We talk a lot about our graduation cords and the honor societies that use them, but many graduates choose to wear cords that represent important causes. Each month we will explore popular causes and their corresponding cord colors. This month, we’re spotlighting National Bullying Prevention Month.
Now more than ever we are reminded that kindness is and should be the center of everything. When you lead with kindness, everybody wins! October is National Bullying Prevention Month and across the country, schools and organizations participate in the STOMP Out Bullying campaign. The organization’s goal is to “encourage schools, communities, and organizations to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying and put an end to hatred and racism by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of all forms of bullying on all children of all ages.”
According to their website, STOMP Out Bullying “is the leading national nonprofit dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying, and other digital abuse, educates against homophobia, LGBTQ+ discrimination, racism, and hatred, and deters violence in schools, online, and in communities across the country. STOMP Out Bullying promotes civility, inclusion, and equality. It teaches effective solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying, as well as educating kids and teens in school and online. It provides help for those in need and at risk of suicide, and raises awareness through peer mentoring programs in schools, public service announcements by noted celebrities, and social media campaigns.
Each week, the organization encourages students to lead the way with challenges like making a new friend at school, challenging others to be kind, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, and standing up for others.
You may see STOMP Out Bullying supporters wearing their signifying colors of purple and blue cords on graduation day.
Does your school host any events during October to recognize National Bullying Prevention Month? If so, let us know in the comments!
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