Honor Societies and Campus Organizations Who Are All About the Green
It’s St. Patrick’s Day -- the day where everyone is Irish. In honor of the day, we’ve compiled a list of honor societies and campus organizations that have their graduates wear green on commencement day! Are you a member of any of these organizations? Did you rock a green cord on graduation day? Let us know in the comments!
Delta Tau Alpha: Gold Agricultural Honor Society (Hunter Green & Harvest Gold)
Sigma Beta Delta: Business, Management, and Administration Honor Society (Hunter Green & Gold)
Phi Sigma: Biological Science Honor Society (Yellow, Green & White)
Sigma Lambda Alpha: American Latina-based Sorority (Green & Gold)
Sigma Lambda Chi: International Construction Honor Society (Green & Gold)
Tau Alpha Pi: Engineering Technology Honor Society (Green & Gold)
Sigma Pi Sigma: American Honor Society in Physics (Green & Ivory)
As a reminder, our team is actively accepting orders for graduation ceremonies. In-person, drive-by, or virtual, we’ve got you covered for your commencement!
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