Fall Leaf-Peeping ... Graduation Style!
It’s peak foliage season at our New England office and we have been catching ourselves staring out the windows at the beautiful colors in between filling orders for upcoming graduation ceremonies! While doing this, we’ve noticed that some of the leaf colors are perfect matches for many of our honor cords, creating our own version of indoor leaf-peeping … graduation style! Come along for the ride … without the traffic ;)
Beautiful, right?! Here are a few honor societies who use colors similar to the ones above:
Gold | Alma Mu Gamma | Phi Sigma Iota |
Red | Alpha Mu Alpha |
Maroon | Delta Epsilon Sigma (combined with Gold) |
Kelly Green | Tau Alpha Pi (combined with Gold) |
Dark/Hunter/Forest Green | Sigma Beta Delta (combined with Gold) |
Copper/Harvest Gold | Delta Tau Alpha (combined with Dark/Hunter/Forest Green) |
Brown | Gamma Theta Upsilon (combined with Light Blue and Gold) |
Orange | Tau Beta Pi (combined with White) |
Which is your favorite? Does your honor society sport any autumn colors on graduation day? Let us know in the comments! We hope you enjoyed our peak leaf peeping ... graduation style! :)
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