4 College Majors to Love in 2023

4 College Majors to Love in 2023

Melissa Woelflein

Not loving your current career and looking for a switch or not sure where to go after graduating high school? Check out these 4 college majors to love in 2023.

Computer Engineering

If you’re a passionate problem solver and a fan of mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, programming, and a fair amount of research & development, a career in Computer Engineering may be for you! According to computerscience.org, a computer engineer “fuses electrical engineering and computer science to develop new technology. Computer engineers design, build, and maintain hardware in modern computers. Along with personal devices, computer engineers have a hand in creating robotics, networks, and other computer-based systems.” As of 2020, computer engineers are earning a median salary of $93,000 with a projected growth of 5% through 2030.

Actuarial Science

If finance and science tickle your fancy, a career in Actuarial Science may be for you! According to Investopedia, “Actuarial science is a discipline that assesses financial risks in the insurance and finance fields, using mathematical and statistical methods. Actuarial science applies the mathematics of probability and statistics to define, analyze, and solve the financial implications of uncertain future events.” Graduates with this degree tend to go on to work for insurance agencies, business analysts, fund managers, and management consultants. As of 2020, actuaries earn a median salary of $72,000 and expect to see a growth projection of 24% through 2030!

Computer Science

Calling all problem solvers, website designers, and lovers of data! With a median salary of $90,000 and a 22% projected job growth through 2030, computer science is a solid discipline to pursue. According to US News, “Students in a computer science major enter the dynamic world of technology, studying topics like artificial intelligence, software design and computer graphics. By the time majors complete their degrees, they will have the skills to examine complex problems with computer tools.” Computer science graduates move on to work as web developers, software administrators, and security analysts, to name a few.


Anyone faced with the reality of entering into a healthcare facility knows the importance of a loving and caring nurse. Nurses are typically the people you see the most and who really become your advocate when seeking medical care. The importance of their presence makes nursing a top career choice! According to research.com, “​​Students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe, compassionate, and quality patient care across the lifespan and continuum of care for patients of diverse populations. Nursing majors become registered professionals through state licensure examinations. Majors in nursing also become nurse practitioners and postsecondary health specialties teachers.” Since 2020, nurses earn a median salary of $91,000 with a steady growth projection of 9% through 2030.

No matter what path you take after graduating high school, make sure you find something you love and are passionate about so you never feel like you’re working a day in your life! What is your career or field of study? Let us know in the comments!


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